This is a page for tech topics that I find myself recommending often. A place that is easy to find and send. Still a work in progress...
Personal Tech
Be Sure You Are Fast Charging Your Stuff
If you have upgraded your iPhone or Apple Watch over the years, you’ve probably just removed the new device, put away the box, and used all of your existing cables and chargers. If you have done that, you may be missing out on fast charging. What’s so good

How to manually merge two Apple IDs to one
Since 2020 is made for pain, I decided to make some big moves that I have been putting off for a while. The email migration took a while, but the new setup is so much better. My reliance on Google as a company is very minimal now. I am very

Family Tech
Three ways we use Notes app as a family
The Notes app comes on every iOS and macOS device by default. In the early days, it wasn’t very reliable or feature filled and that turned some people away from it. The current app is great though. You can easily scan text or full documents to a note. You can

Travel Charger Packs
Now that the kids are traveling on their own more, I’ve put together some travel charger packs for them to grab. It’s a lot easier than unwrapping the cables from the charging stations. (Note: our charging station is in a public part of the house. Remember, kids shouldn’

Three Tips for Social Media and Young People
The American Psychological Association has released a health advisory regarding social media use in adolescence. You can read it online or download the PDF. It is full of good advice, warnings, and things to watch for in this realm. Every parent should read it… preferably with their teenagers. It leads

Helping kids organize their money through teaching and technology
Our kids are good savers. They stash most of their money away to plan for big purchases. The most difficult part of this habit was trying to keep track of it all. There were random bills and coins placed here and there. We’d take trips to the store and

Household Tech
Some Thoughts on Dropcam, UniFi Protect, HomeKit, and Notifications
In a few days, Google is going to drop support for Dropcam and Dropcam Pro cameras. It’s understandable considering the age and history of these products. They also gave plenty of notice and offered a couple free current cameras so at least they did things the right way. But

Switch from Eero to UniFi for Home Wifi
On a recent trip to Bolivia, our family enjoyed much of what this overlooked gem of South America had to offer. One thing we did not enjoy was the slow access to internet. The cellular was slow because of the terrain. This made it hard to get around. Even worse

Force an Apple TV to remain as the Home Hub for HomeKit
on your network. (iPad no longer operates as a home hub...thank goodness.) Ideally, all of this operates flawlessly and “just works.” In reality though, HomeKit might choose a poorly connected HomePod or an outdated Apple TV for your home hub. I can always tell when this happens because many