Why I Dislike Cuss Words
A while ago, I wrote a post on my site about “The Office” and I mentioned that I didn’t watch movies that were rated R. I was surprised at the comments I received. (I deleted the really crude ones.) And I was even more surprised at the emails I received. They were demeaning and rude. It reminded me of high school and how some people would scoff at your for keeping standards.
When I wrote the post, I didn’t mean to make a big deal of it. And I certainly didn’t mean to offend or talk down to anyone. I just mostly mentioned it as the reason I didn’t see Steve Carell’s new movie.
After some insults, the emails would usually say something like, “It’s only rated R because of the language. It’s not like you don’t hear that at work or school all day anyway.”
The reason I bring this up is because of the cussing. I don’t judge people that use cuss words. Everyone can choose for themself. But, I’ll tell you why I don’t like cussing.
I don’t like cuss words because they take away from real detail and description in a sentence. Cussing is so habit forming, that the words will make their way into every sentence. They are used in place of adjectives, verbs, nouns, and in at least one case I know of, as a proper noun. Here is the irony. People use cuss words to try and add more power to their sentence, but for me it has the opposite effect. If real adjectives, nouns and verbs were used, the sentence would be more descriptive and explanatory.
I think that mock cuss words are just as bad in this sense. They are habit forming and retard your ability to represent your opinion well.