The Legacy of Samuel Stucki

Of all the men I’ve never met, perhaps none have influenced my life more directly than Samuel Stucki. He was born 200 years ago today in Switzerland. It was January 18, 1824.
It was he who decided to have faith unto repentance, join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, migrate his young family across the ocean and the plains, and then settle in the deserts of the American Southwest. These decisions made all the difference for me and my life.
Two centuries later, I continue to appreciate the Swiss way of life and have tried to continue it with calm and consistent living the best I can.

I have visited his homeland and walked his handiwork which still stands there.
But most importantly, I honor him by keeping the faith that he first found for our family. We each need to work for our own personal testimony but his first steps increased my chances for success.
This belief in Jesus Christ and His restored Gospel bonds me to my forefathers in a very literal sense. What was true for him then is true for me now.
I have a lot to thank Samuel for when I meet him. Thanks to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I will.