On Calls and Coincidences
Over the years, I’ve written about my missionary service a number of times. Last year I celebrated my 25th anniversary of entering the mission field in San Francisco.

Five years ago I wrote sixteen items of gratitude that I feel toward the opportunity to serve. Among other things, I wrote how grateful I was for an assignment in San Francisco where “the whole world came to me perfectly packaged on the peninsula.” The City is close enough to revisit hundreds of times and show my family and friends the beautiful Bay.
I also wrote specifically about the Tongan missionaries who leave the islands to share their culture and their character.
Round Two

Imagine my absolute delight yesterday when our son Cole opened up his mission call and read that he has been assigned to the California Oakland/San Francisco mission.
He has been traveling there regularly his whole life. Family vacations turned out to be mission prep.

Now picture the way we were all floored when he read that he would “prepare to teach the Gospel in the Tongan language.”
As part of his experience, he will travel to the brand new Missionary Training Center in New Zealand and be trained with native speaking Tongans from the nearby islands.

This Auckland MTC is located just a few blocks from where we attended and worshipped in a Tongan congregation on a recent visit. Family vacations turned out to be mission prep.
The most touching part of the whole experience was watching our child confirm, without a doubt, that our Heavenly Father is very aware of him, his desires, and his skills. He is perfectly suited and prepared for this mission assignment. There are no coincidences in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We have a lot of work ahead as we prepare for him to leave. He, and we, are thrilled. We’ll have an invite for those of you who would like to keep up with his experiences.
In the mean time, let this be a reminder for all that God waits eagerly to bless those who seek him and “that [God] granteth unto men according to their desire … ; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men … according to their wills” (Alma 29:4)
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