Never Forget You
The wonderful thing about journals is that you can go back to a certain time and remember exactly where you were and exactly how you felt.
The heavy thing about journals is that same time travel.
It was twenty years ago today that my nephew Evan passed away from SMA. It is a muscle weakening disease. The most severe (and rare) type affects babies right after birth. At the time of Evan’s death it was a total surprise to our family but we are all very aware of it now.
This night remains one of the most influential experiences of my life.
Since that time, our family has added many more grandkids. I’m convinced that the close relationship between them and the unconditional love they receive from aunts, uncles, and grandparents, can be traced back in many ways to what we all felt that night.
For me personally, Evan’s passing is the personification of hope in the resurrection and the atonement of Jesus Christ. More than once, I have leaned on his influence in my own efforts of “trying to be like Jesus.”
With the approval of my sister (Evan’s mom), I share with you a blog post from the week of his passing two decades ago. There is also a song I wrote and recorded to remember him.
Please read about my loved and missed nephew and hear his song: Evan’s Lullaby.