My July Stockpile
Here are random things to post but that don’t deserve their own post:
- One of the reasons I love dealing with Apple is because they treat customers good. Yesterday I went into the Apple Store to have them look at the battery on my iPhone. They did a quick test, saw that the charge capabilities were a bit low, and just handed me a new iPhone 5 minutes later. On top of that, my phone only had 2 days left on it’s warranty. Usually when you try to take an electronic back there are all kinds of hassles and hurdles to jump over. And with the great backup ability of iTunes, I plugged my iPhone in when I got home and everything was restored in a few minutes. Address Book, SMS messages, call history, everything.
Now, just two more days until I get my next new iPhone.
- I’m so excited for Scare Tactics to start again tonight. This year, Tracy Morgan hosts it which will be awesome. (If you haven’t seen the show, watch some highlights here and here)
- Candace and I will be moving into our new house soon. Hopefully by the end of the week. It’ll be strange living only a mile or so from where I grew up.
- Candace is just about thru the first trimester with Stucki Baby #2.
- Cole likes water and likes being outside. So he REALLY likes helping grandma wash her car.