Dashboard Submissions Complete

Thank you to all that helped by sending in screenshots. There was really good support. We ended up with 1160 individual screenshots. Wow. I thought that I had a pretty good idea of the widgets available to Tiger users, but there were alot that I had never seen.

The most screenshots came from Mike Libby. He sent in 212 very unique shots. So unique in fact that I wrote to him and asked how he did it. His one line response was “English 210 was very very boring last week.”


Mike will be receiving the iTMS gift certificate for his time.

The “Random Submitter” certificate will be going to Brian Waldman.

Thanks again for your submissions. I will begin the work on the mosaic poster and desktop and post when it is available. If you have a suggestion that may serve as a good image to build the mosaic on, feel free to send it in (blog@brianstucki.com)or link to it in the comments.