Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice

President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, came to Las Vegas and spoke to members of the church. The majority of these members are single adults, age 18-30, and are still setting so many patterns and making decisions in their lives. This is an ideal time to hear from a Prophet of God. President and Sister Nelson gave great advice.

I was invited to come and sit on the stand for the devotional.

When the prophet arrives, it’s customary to stand out of respect as he finds his seat on the stand. It was great to watch the room full of hundreds as they stood in silence. He came in and greeted everyone with a smile. He arrived ten minutes early to assure sufficient time to prepare hearts and minds for the meeting. As he sat, he turned around to us on the stand (31 Stake Presidents and 8 YSA Bishops) and mouthed “Thank you.”

After the devotional, he needed to leave the building before the rest of us were dismissed. He again faced us and with his hands outreached he said with a smile, “Virtual handshakes, virtual handshakes.”

President and Sister Nelson spoke with such humor and power and kindness. You can see the recap on the Church Newsroom (there is also video highlights) , but my favorite quotes from the night:

“One attribute that all prophets have in common is they understand the importance of divine law….Divine law cannot be denied or disputed.”

“Serve others with love. Doing so will open your mind to personal revelation and inner peace.”

There was so much more to the evening. Yesterday was a solid journal entry day.