A certain number of words
I want to be a better writer. There is only one way to do it. In the classic book “On Writing Well” we are reminded:

You learn to write by writing. It’s a truism, but what makes it a truism is that it’s true. The only way to learn to write is to force yourself to produce a certain number of words on a regular basis.William Zinsser
I’ve been writing this blog since 2004. You can even find a post about the very first trip that Candace and I took together just a month into our courtship. This blog is older than my children.
I write in my journal daily but posts here are only occasional. I plan to increase the public writing this year. I would love for you to join me by reading. (And if you have a blog of your own, dust it off and let the world know.)
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Why not on social media?
When you blog at a domain that you own, your words belong to you. When you use a social media platform, the words belong to the company. Also people tend not to use social media wisely.
Using social platforms feels temporary. On social media the posts are hard to find, link to, and just seem to disappear over the years. I worry about those who “use Facebook as a journal.” It won’t end well.
What to expect?
One of my posts this year will be about how to start a real blog of your own. There will be more posts about journal writing as well. I’ve been covering that topic since 2005. I’ll offer more tech tips as I have in the past.
I plan to share photography, ruin diets with info about French pastries, further stress the importance of keeping a budget, and highlight talks that I really enjoy like this one and this one.
I’m looking forward to a good year of writing and improving.